Time to break the radio silence!
A lot has happend since the last real social media update in 2019. The development has continued throughout the last three years albeit at a slow rate. The game has undergone a massive graphical facelift, a name change, multiple new unit have been added, rules have been altered. The board has been replaced with a natural rubber mat. And the game now includes a lake ”script” that ensures a fresh starting scenario for each new game.
The first print run, of the first edition has been manufactured. Its limited to 50 numbered copies and the first few were sold on the 13th of June, 2022! Most of my time is currently allocated towards a restart of my social media presence. My intention is to maintain an active and regular presens here on the official homepage as well as on instagram and the Facebook page.
I've also been attending conventions and other venues where I’m able to demo the game! On the 29th I’ll be attending TrollCon in Trollhättan. I’m also looking at Stockholm and Gothenburg in the near future. The next step when it comes to further development is to look at what could be included in the first expansion. I have a long list in excel with ideas that i want to test. More on this later! 😊